The starting group is working with updates and are setting the frames for the next year’s camp. We incorporate the learnings from last year and continue building an even better camp! – The membership policy is beeing updated and clarifications are made.– The organisation of the teams are revised as we are moving from 21 […]
The Post playa report is now sent to Burning man. Here are some highlights from Nordic Paradise’s report 2023. Camp Highlights What were your camp/villages’s main highlights this year? External: The inviting public space with an amazing bar that served cinnamon buns, ice coffee and awesome drinks. The workshops, music and all the great and […]
A traveler from Far and Wide One of the most exciting things about Burning Man is the communal attraction of people from all over the world. People form all continents and from different backgrounds get together and share in the festivities of Burning Man. People from different cultures and different backgrounds. But there is a […]
Minimizing Waste Generation and Environmental Impacts at Burning Man: A Guide to Leave No Trace Introduction: By embracing simple strategies and following the waste hierarchy, we can ensure that our experience at Burning Man leaves a positive mark on both our souls and the planet. Get ready to dive into a world where sustainability and […]
Our MOOP team has put together a document regarding MOOP and LNT. Please read before packing for Burning Man – applies to us all in the camp. MOOP letter
Looking back, while still moving has it’s challanges. But, Nordic Paradise has come a long way this year in the movement towards gour common goal – A safe place where as many as possible can have as much fun as possible. Some talk could be heard alreay on the Playa last year – (Wow this […]
— Nordic Paradise has been chosen as the camp of this year to host the regional network event 2023 — The event will take place on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 4 – 6 pm. Representatives from all over the world will gather in our public space to celebrate the network’s 25th birthday. • Getting the […]
Nordic Paradise has filled all its spots! We are now 96 members and we have closed the doors. What an amazing journey that lies ahead of us 🙂 All members look out for the member form – You need to fill it out before 16:th of July. We need to know where you plan to […]
Nordic Paradise – Burning Man 2023 Burning Man Project is setting three broad goals to be achieved by 2030: Burning Man Project – 2030 Environmental Sustainability Roadmap Burning Man 2022 – Sustainability initiatives We in Nordic Paradise will support the efforts of Burning Man by implementing sustainability even more in our camp setup. Aim for […]
Hell, we’ve snagged ourselves a new dusty spot, 7B in the wild heart of BRC, a magic number if there ever was one. Nestled right in the thick of Burning Man, we’re exposed to the wild, the weird, the downright bizarre. Buckets of Burners and a ceaseless stream of humanity, like ants crawling over a […]