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Is Nordic ‘Camp’ evolving into ‘Paradise’?

Posted by on 14.12.22 in Blog

The concept and theme for 2023 are under development and we are evolving into an even more spectacular place. Even though the name “Nordic Camp” is well established at Black Rock City it seems like it is time to evolve that too. The definition of the word “camp” might come across as less exiting: “A place […]

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Organizational structure 2023

Posted by on 12.12.22 in Leadership

A new way of working together – taking a leap forward “We can do more!” How can we manage to meet a bigger vision with the same amount of individuals as last year? Innovating on how to organize for this year has been an interesting task. The design principles we have built upon are to […]

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Placement is not guaranteed

Posted by on 30.11.22 in Blog

Nordic Camp intends to return to Black Rock City and be a placed theme camp 2023. There are a number of requirements that we need to fulfil in order to make that happen. First off, we need to be in “good standings” with Burning Man Org. All camps that were placed 2022 are reviewed based […]

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