Back to About usNordic Paradise Handbook
This page contains a summary of the membership and administration policy for Nordic Paradise Camp 2025. When applying for membership you must read the Nordic Paradise Handbook
Welcome back! We have made some changes since last year in order to better serve our purpose and enable us to reach our goal: Create a safe space where as many people as possible can have as much fun as possible.
Welcome to Nordic Paradise at Burning Man! This is a brief summary of the Nordic Paradise Handbook. Read the full document since it provides essential info for camp life. Also, look around on the homepage and Burning Man’s site for more vital information.
Nordic Paradise is a theme camp aiming to create a safe, inclusive space for joy and well-being. Our goal is to foster trust through clear intentions, openness, boundaries, and consent. Nordic Paradise stands out with a warm, unique atmosphere, focusing on mind, soul, and body needs. Our camp concept involves a Northern Wonderland, a bar serving drinks and fika, a daytime party, and workshops/music.
We seek remarkable souls from all walks of life, aiming for iconic representation of our values. Embrace ecstatic volunteerism, collaboration, and creative expression. During Burning Man, create your utopia, contribute, and participate for a more rewarding experience. Nordic Paradise thrives on collaboration, co-creation, and organization for a better and fun experience. Let’s keep it simple and have fun!
Before joining, read and accept our policies: Burning Man’s principles, our membership policy, advice process, and conflict escalation.
Nordic Paradise adheres to a membership policy where applicants align with the camp’s vision, accept policies, contribute actively, and comply with requirements. Failure may lead to exclusion.
Membership entails being part of Nordic Paradise NPO, paying a shared camp fee, and engaging in planning and interaction platforms. Members participate actively in chosen teams, attend meetings, and fulfill communal chores and shifts.
Exclusive camping rights are reserved for members only, barring shared arrangements with non-members. The camp’s shared economy involves a fee and deposit, non-refundable portions, and deposit deductions for specific scenarios, emphasizing commitment.
Administration focuses on a consensual do-ocracy, where responsibilities are clear, and decisions are collaborative. Lead and membership allocation prioritizes skills, experience, and commitment, maintaining diversity.
In essence, Nordic Paradise emphasizes commitment, shared responsibility, and inclusivity, fostering a vibrant and organized camp experience.
The organization of Nordic Paradise involves teamwork and various meetings to ensure efficient camp preparation, coordination during the event, and proper camp closure. Different meetings serve specific purposes, from integrating members to coordinating work in area and team meetings.
The camp holds monthly meetings from January to August, focusing on topics like coordination, recruitment, and strategy. Teams are expected to meet at least once a month from March to August, with all members participating. Area meetings help align tasks and share information within specific areas. All new members to the camp should have a mentor.
Members are required to contribute to camp tasks, and during the event, everyone participates in building and striking the camp. Chores and duties are distributed, and minimum engagement expectations are set for both preparations and the event week. Failure to meet expectations may result in consequences, including exclusion from the camp.
In essence, Nordic Paradise fosters a collaborative and responsible camp experience, ensuring active member engagement, effective communication, and financial sustainability.
Consensual do-ocracy empowers those executing decisions. To navigate skillfully, gather perspectives, advice, and consent from affected parties. Nordic Paradise operates without central authority, using temporary hierarchies based on needed leadership.
Decision-making involves a Short Version for simplicity: Anyone can decide, but advice must be sought and considered.