

This team is not relevant for Nordic Paradise Camp 2025

The sustainability team should assist all teams in minimising the environmental impact of Nordic Paradise. This includes transport to and from BRC, our energy consumption during the event, what materials we use for building and how trash can be minimised. The team is expected to advocate for environmentally sustainable solutions, help finding ways of maximising reuse of resources and minimising waste.  


  • Assist all teams with development of more sustainable solutions 
  • Minimising “one time use” and encourage solutions that can be reused several years
  • Help finding ways to minimise trash and waste
  • Assist in reducing energy consumption and advocate for green solutions
  • Help planning logistics and transport to reduce fuel consumption
  • Inform and help members to minimise their environmental impact 

LEAD – Minimum requirements

  • Have been to BRC before
  • Good knowledge in work with sustainability
  • Knowledge in recycling and waste management
  • Knowledge in energy and reduction of energy consumption 
  • Dedicated to the camp (No doubts about going to BRC)

Desirable skills / qualities

  • Experience from sustainability work
  • Knowledge in construction with focus on sustainability and recycling