

This team is not relevant for Nordic Paradise Camp 2025

The Kitchen team is responsible for setting up the kitchen and for all equipment needed in order to store and cook all the food. This includes the kitchen and dining tents, burners, utensils, pans and pots, shelves, fridge and freezers (planned for 2023). Getting propane for the burners is also included in the responsibilities. The Kitchen lead should sign up Nordic Paradise to the BRC fuel program and liaise with the Energy team in order to also include fuel to the generators in this process (if needed). 

Making a plan for the dining space and setting up shade, tables and chairs are included in this AoR. Setting up and maintaining the dish-washing-station is also included in the Kitchen team’s responsibilities. 

The Kitchen team should work in close collaboration with the Culinary team and make a plan for all food-shifts, including how many heads that are needed, what time food should be served and assigning leads for each meal (head-chef) 

The Kitchen lead should assist the Shift lead in following up on participation in the food-shifts and should instruct all head-chefs to check off all participants and collect the lists. 


  • Make sure propane tanks are refilled/bought 
  • Sign up BRC fuel program to enable refilling of propane 
  • Making sure we have a  kitchen tent and dining area that is under shade.
  • Make sure there is a plan to keep the kitchen and cooking surfaces clean, tidy and dust-free during the week.  
  • Make sure there are enough, tables, storage shelves, work stations for prepping and cooking as well as waste bins in the kitchen (general trash and organic waste)
  • Arrange with cooling system for food (fridge/freezers)
  • Set up a dish washing station 
  • Liaise with the Culinary team regarding equipment needed for cooking storage
  • Create an updated inventory list – what do we need for next year and what do we NOT need to buy.
  • Follow up on members participation in their assigned food-shifts 

LEAD – Minimum requirements

  • Previous experience as kitchen/food/culinary lead
  • Have been to BRC before

Desirable skills / qualities

  • Have been member of Nordic Camp/Paradise before
  • Knowledge in kitchen logistics and handling food
  • Working experience from a restaurant work