

This team is not relevant for Nordic Paradise Camp 2025

The Bar team is responsible for building, staffing and stocking the bar. Setting the bar menu and deciding what drinks and other gifts/snacks/food Nordic Paradise should offer. The bar team is also responsible for seeking food permits needed for the camp to be allowed to serve food and non-alcoholic drinks.
The bar team should investigate the need for coffee and tea in the camp and is responsible for having a solution to make coffee and tea for both camp members and guests.

The bar team is also responsible for setting up a system to order ice (liaise with Shift team) to the bar and making sure all cold drinks can be chilled.

A check-kist for running the bar as well as instructions on how to handle food, ID-checks etc should also be provided by the Bar team. 


  • Responsible for planning drinks for the bar
  • Order all drinks, coffee and snacks required for the bar
  • Making a schedule to mann the bar 
  • Updating check-lists for running the bar and follow-up on compliance during the week 
  • Making a system for ordering ice to the bar
  • Arranging a solution for chilling drinks 
  • Having a solution to store ice for the bar
  • Minimise waste (e.g. concentrated mixers, minimise usage glas bottles)
  • Update the inventory left-over spirits at the end of the event
  • Apply for food permits needed in order to serve non-alcoholic drinks and snacks
  • Buy coffee and tea as needed and have a solution to make these drinks

 Minimum requirements

  • Experience in handling a bar
  • 21 years or older

Desirable skills / qualities

  • Have been to BRC before
  • Have been member of Nordic Camp/Paradise before
  • Experience in seeking permits (in the US)