
Organization and BM relations

This team is not relevant for Nordic Paradise Camp 2024
Organization and BM relations

Organisation and BM-relations lead/team is an important and big role in Nordic Paradise. Main focus is to make sure the fire is burning, members are excited, the project goes forward and that the members are aware of the camp’s policies, vision, goals and purpose. 

This team shall support and be ready to give advice to all leads in their preparations and work, facilitate camp meetings and be vigilant in addressing shortcomings in different teams. 

The team should take responsibility for the camp’s internal and external communication (using the platforms and tools setup by the digital team). Gather information from other teams, compile the information into structured posts and distribute them. Inform members of important dates, and assist in updating policies as needed. Making all policies known to members and assisting in Advice-Process is a very important task for the Organisation lead. 

The team should assist in writing and submitting Nordic Camp’s “event guide” to the “Where, When, What” guide in a timely manner. The team is also expected to be active on social media, answering questions and stimulating others to make regular “educational” posts regarding selected topics during the preparation for Nordic Camp. 

The team should oversee or take a leading role in conflict resolution and should mediate and try to avoid further escalation. 

The organisation and BM-relations team have to stay connected with the Burning Man organization and submit applications, coordinate Directed Group Sale and WAPs in a timely manner. Since Burning Man only communicates with what they call “Camp Lead”, this lead role will be called “Camp Lead” in the communication with BM. 


  • Coordinate and facilitate the overall administration and process of setting up Nordic Paradise 
  • Review advice-process and conflict-escalation as needed with focus on the process, not on the decision made. 
  • Making sure camp meetings are held at appropriate time intervals during the set-up
  • Making sure all deadlines in relation to BM-org applications, ticket sales, etc are held
  • Responsible for submitting SOI and Placement application to BM 
  • All relevant direct communication with Burning Man in regards to NP matters.
  • Keeping track in BM-org NewsLetters, Placement Letters and other relevant fora and forwarding any important information to the members. 
  • Assist in writing and updating camp documents such as policies
  • Compile regular “educational” post as required during preparation 
  • Setting up a communication strategy 
  • Gather important information and make it accessible to members
  • Develop a system for storage of information and decisions (archive). 
  • Responsible for distributing DGS-tickets and WAP-access
  • Perform a feed-back loop after BM including Eulogy 
  • Submitting final camp report to Burning Man during October

LEAD – Minimum requirements

  • Have been to BRC before
  • Have been member of Nordic Camp before
  • Have experience in leading camps or bigger teams at Burns
  • Well oriented in Advice-Process and Conflict escalation
  • Dedicated to the camp (No doubts about going to BRC)

Desirable skills / qualities

  • Experience in leadership
  • Good communication skills
  • Experienced in project management
  • Established role in the Burning Man organisation, eg Regional Contact
  • Active in Nordic Camp NPO