
Web and digital platforms

This team is not relevant for Nordic Paradise Camp 2024
Web and digital platforms

This team should set up and administrate the digital platforms used by Nordic Paradise and Camp. This includes the webpage and other social media. Setting up a system to monitor and moderate the social media platforms used. Where possible, information should be easy to update for other members. If needed, the team should assist in updating the content in accordance with current policies. 

The team is expected to be active on social media, answering questions about the platforms and educate members on how to use the different platforms. 

The team should coordinate with Membership and Finance teams to provide an as smooth flow as possible for managing members, including members registering to the NPO, registering for the camp, being assigned to the camp in a team, managing user roles and managing changes and removal of members as needed.


  • Setting up, administer and moderate the selected platforms
  • Coordinate communication on social media used by Nordic Paradise
  • Coordinate with Finance team and Membership team to provide a smooth procedure for managing members (registration, payments, team assignments, access to platforms)
  • Administer members on the social platforms, accepting new members and excluding those that no longer are members, including assigning user roles to members in accordance with their positions in the camp
  • Update and administer the webpage, including payment solution for membership fees
  • Update content and assist other members in updating content on the platforms 

LEAD – Minimum requirements

  • Have been to BRC before
  • Have been member of Nordic Camp/Paradise before
  • Skills in managing web pages (e.g. WordPress)
  • Skills in using the social media used (e.g. Discord and Facebook)
  • Good communication skills
  • Experience in moderating social media
  • Proficient in the English language
  • Dedicated to the camp (No doubts about going to BRC)

Desirable skills / qualities

  • Previous experience as web lead
  • Well organized and structured
  • Previous experience in web development, including setting up web pages
  • Skills in using Excel